
Code, Maker, Robotic, Open Source. Knowledge Bases

  1. Java Script - Find Transcription Factors Algorithm

    The Find Transcription Factors Algorithm in JavaScript In molecular biology, a transcription factor (or sequence-specific DNA-binding factor) is a protein that controls the rate of transcription of genetic information from DNA to messenger RNA, by binding to a specific DNA sequence . A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide…

    on JavaScript, Algorithm, Pure JavaScript, indexOf, RegExp

  2. Java Script - Luhn Algorithm

    The Luhn Algorithm in JavaScript Luhn algorithm is a simple checksum formula used to validate a variety of identification numbers, such as credit card numbers Most credit cards and many government identification numbers use the algorithm as a simple method of distinguishing valid numbers from mistyped or otherwise incorrect numbers.…

    on JavaScript, Algorithm, Pure JavaScript

  3. Update Ghost cause 502 Bad Gateway

    Last Day In 2016 Feel free to Update the Blog System After use the method in last post to update Ghost the server become 502 error. Before Update the Ghost I have update the OS version look the issue cause because the OS and NodeJS is too Newest than Current…

    on Ghost, Update&Upgrade, 502 Bad Gateway, NodeJS

  4. DigitalOcean Update Ghost to Latest Vesion

    *Before Update Remember Export the blog settings and data at "" * 1)Login to Server Terminal, go to Ghost Folder Root cd /var/www/ 2) Download the Latest Ghost form wget 3) Remove the core directory completely…

    on Ghost, Update&Upgrade, DigitalOcean

  5. Wordpress Error

    Wordpress Get Database Error Error establishing a database connection Solution 1)Login to Server Console and Command the Follow sudo service mysql start Normally after Complete the Step1 the MySql database will Start again. 2)But in case other security or system issue . we need to update the Ubuntu Server…

    on MySQL, Ubuntu, Wordpress