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Tag: Android

  1. Titnaium Studio Keep Apps Screen Alway On

    This code is test and work in android. Since after IOS7 IOS can setup the screen mode to "Never" this.OSName = Ti.Platform.osname.toLowerCase(); if(this.OSName == "android"){ this.MainWindow.keepScreenOn = true; }; if(this.OSName == "iphone" || thisClass.Parent.OSName == "ipad"){ Titanium.App.idleTimerDisabled = true; this.MainWindow.idleTimerDisabled = true; };…

    Android, IOS, Screen Alway On

  2. Titanium Studio Using the Geolocation

    Getting Location Information There are two ways to get location information: 1)Make a one-time request with getCurrentPosition. 2)Register to receive location updates by adding an event listener for the location event. Get the Geolocation with event listener Ti.Geolocation.accuracy = Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST; Ti.Geolocation.preferredProvider = Ti.…

    Android, EventListener, IOS, getCurrentPosition, Apps, Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy

  3. Titanium Studio get battery Level

    Get the battery Level in the apps Ti.Platform.batteryMonitoring = true; Ti.Platform.addEventListener('battery',UpdateBattery); if(e.level !== undefined) { thisClass.batteryLevel = e.level; } *this code is only work on Android platform Curennly ,this code is not work on IOS a known bug .…

    Android, Titanium, IOS, Battery Level

  4. Hard Reset an Android Device

    Today is damm lucky someone is set a DrawPattern and let me guess on my GalaxyTab. After Try few times the Tablet is get Lock! Oh No!!! And the Bad thing is i forget the Email and password for this Device. After Doing some Research in google. Finally find a…

    Android, HardReset, GT-P1000, GalaxyTab

  5. Titanium Android Module

    a Simple Prototype for Create Titanium Android Native Module. In this Prototype I will create a Titanium Android Native Module calling "testmodule" And Create Four simple Maths calculation Java /** * This file was auto-generated by the Titanium Module SDK helper for Android * Appcelerator Titanium Mobile * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Appcelerator, Inc.…

    Java, Android, Module, Titanium