Appcelerator Studio Update Titnaium SDK
Appcelerator Studio Update Latest Titnaium SDK Solution 1)Open the Appcelerator Terminal and Type the Following Command $ [sudo] npm install appcelerator -g $ appc setup 2)Move the install SDK to Titanium SDK current folder Users/jacklee/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx…
Appcelerator Studio Error "workspace cannot be created"
After Update the Appcelerator Studio get the Error "workspace cannot be created" Version Update = Appcelerator Studio, build: Solutiom 1)Drag all the Appcelerator Studio for Applications Folder to Trash. 2)Reinstall the Appcelerator Studio.…
Appcelerator Studio iOS Simulator disappeared
Error After Reinstall the Appcelerator Studio in MACOS the iOS Simulator disappeared. Solution 1.Go to Home(jacklee). 2.Go to Folder and find the titanium folder (.titanium). 3.find the files calling "config.json" and Edit the files. 4.change the ""selected": "3.5.1.GA"" to the Latest…