Espruino Pico: JavaScript on a USB Stick
Today finally received my Espruino Pico. This is a same project I did twice in .kickstater Very punctual with promise. Creator is a very friendly Guy ,every time I asked must answer in quick as possible . I can very quickly find the answer every time. And this is my First…
Appcelerator Analytics
Regarding the Titanium Studio Is not Longer Support by Appcelerator Company (change to open source Project) will start migration all the Project From Titanium Studio to Appcelerator Studio. Titanium.Analytics.featureEvent('Data track'); For New Project Can enable when create the Project pages. Enable Appcelerator Platform Services will enable the…
Titanium Studio Save the Apps data in the Filesystem
In IOS is only Internal Storage ,but in Android is diffrent since some android device can use sd-card theClass.prototype.WriteLog = function(theJSON){ Ti.API.info('WriteLog = ' + new Date() ); var thisClass = this; var jsonDir = ''; var dateObj = new Date(); var month = dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1; //months from 1-12 var day…
JavaScript CallBack
ComponentOne.js function ComponentOneClass(parent) { this.Parent = parent; var thisClass = this; //Properties this.responseCallback = null; }; ComponentOneClass.prototype.ProcessAction = function(theValue) { if(theValue){ this.responseCallback("Callback return"); }else{ Ti.API.log("Get Error"); }; }; ComponentOneClass.prototype.CallOtherMethod = function(theValue,theCallback) { this.responseCallback = theCallback; theProcess = this.ProcessAction(theValue); }; //finally, export the module module.…
Checking whether a value is an integer in JavaScript
working on the Titanium Android Nativr Module. In titnaium JavaScript we need to check if the return result is an integer from Java to Javascript. Sometimes the return is a number but the output type is in String Type. if(checkInput % 1 === 0){ //do what you want . }; Refer: http://www.…