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Tag: IOS

  1. React Native 0.63 running on device by other port solution

    React Native Metro bundler is runs on port 8081. And very unlucky my working machine is running a McAfee antivirus with the port 8081. On React Native official sites there are provide two solution Terminating a process on port 8081 or Using a port other than 8081 . Will the first…

    IOS, Android, Xcode, Android 11, iOS14.0.1, React Native, react-native 0.63.3, react-native 0.63, port issue, port 8081, McAfee, npx, Xcode12.0.1, Android Studio, Android Studio 4.1

  2. Update iOS 14.0.1 cause WiFi Internet Issue.

    After Update iPhone to latest iOS 14.0.1 Suddenly all connected WiFi network have issue. All web sites show "Safari cannot open the page because your iPhone is not connected to the internet". This is weird because the URL is the internal server like The…

    IOS, Apple, iOS14.0.1, WiFi, Updated, Internet issue

  3. Wordpress Mobile Apps Can't Access

    Wordpress Mobile Apps Can't Access First Check the Log on the Apps. if there are some error message Like below 1) Unable to locate xmlrpc.php 2) Couldn't connect to the WordPress site. There is no valid WordPress site at this address. Check the site address (URL) you entered. The…

    Wordpress, Android, IOS, MobileApps, xmlrpc.php

  4. Appcelerator Analytics

    Regarding the Titanium Studio Is not Longer Support by Appcelerator Company (change to open source Project) will start migration all the Project From Titanium Studio to Appcelerator Studio. Titanium.Analytics.featureEvent('Data track'); For New Project Can enable when create the Project pages. Enable Appcelerator Platform Services will enable the…

    Android, JavaScript, IOS, Apps, Appcelerator Studio, Appcelerator Analytics, Appcelerator Platform

  5. Titanium Studio Save the Apps data in the Filesystem

    In IOS is only Internal Storage ,but in Android is diffrent since some android device can use sd-card theClass.prototype.WriteLog = function(theJSON){'WriteLog = ' + new Date() ); var thisClass = this; var jsonDir = ''; var dateObj = new Date(); var month = dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1; //months from 1-12 var day…

    Android, JavaScript, Titanium, IOS, JSON, Filesystem, applicationDataDirectory, externalStorageDirectory